Sunday Routine Ideas for a Productive Week Ahead

nization, productivity, Sunday reset, Command center

Sunday Routine Ideas for a Productive Week Ahead

Back to school can be a stressful time for both kids and parents. There's so much to do- getting ready for classes, packing lunches, sports practice, etc. But one of the best things you can do to make the back-to-school transition easier is to establish a Sunday routine.

A Sunday routine can help you get organized, relax, and prepare for the week ahead. It can also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed. What is a good Sunday routine?  Anything that will help you release the stress of last week, improve productivity, and keep your mental health intact.  It is important to rest from the past week and reset to prepare for the success of a new week. Here's some items you may want to incorporate in a Sunday morning routine.

Schedule a nap on Sunday.

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for back-to-school success. But sometimes, it can be hard to get enough sleep during the week. That's why it's a good idea to schedule a nap on Sunday afternoon. A nap can help you recharge and feel refreshed for the week ahead.

Have at least an hour for self care

Take some time to do something that will feed your soul. Read a book. Watch a favorite tv show. Schedule a manicure appointment. Anything that is strictly something you enjoy and will bring you joy. Surprisingly a scroll through Instagram can be included in the reset however I would suggest that not being your sole option for self care. Its easy to get lost in a scroll and end up not doing the other steps to reset on the list. 

Take some time to review your schedule for the week. 

Make sure you have all of your appointments and activities written down. This will help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Idenify busy points in the week and what steps can be done in advance to relieve potential stressors. What things can you do today that will make the rest of the week easier? Can you fill up your gas tank on Sunday so you don't have to scramble randomly in the middle of pick up and drop offs? Meal prep for the week so that minimal effort will be needed for meals? For example, chop and season everything so it just goes in the oven, or even cook all the dinner for the week so all everyone has to do is microwave their serving.

Prep for the week.

Now that you have reviewed what is to come this week, it is time to do the tasks that will help the week run smoothly. Take some time to review your schedule and make sure you have everything you need. What tasks can you do today to make your week easier? Are there sports uniforms that need to be washed for the game on Tuesday night? Do you pick the clothes for the week for your tiny humans so it's easier to get ready in the morning? Make a list of some things you can complete today and then schedule the remaining tasks in advance of when they are needed. For example, if the kids have a soccer game on Tuesday night, it would not be a good idea to schedule to wash the uniforms Tuesday afternoon right before the game. that can cause an unnecessary last minute rush. Scheduling to complete laundry at least by Monday night will relieve some tension later in the week.

Plan out your meals for the week.

One of the best ways to save time and stress during the week is to plan out your meals in advance. This way, you'll know exactly what you need to buy at the grocery store and you won't have to worry about cooking every night. It can feel overwhelming to decide dinner everyday and half an hour after everyone is starving because you are knee deep in a busy week. Identify days that cooking dinner will be a challenge- rather short of time to cook, need to eat quickly due to schedule or simply just not wanting to cook because you are tired. Then make dinner on those days simple. Plan to go through the drive through, order pizza delivery, cook dinner in advance so all you have to do is microwave. Label the days on your planner in advance so you know the plan when the day comes.

Pack your lunches for the week.

Another great way to save time and money during the week is to pack your lunches. This way, you'll avoid having to buy expensive lunches at school or work. Packing the night before ensures a smoother transition out of the house since there will be less items to forget about. All of the grown folks lunches can be packed in pre portioned containers that are easy to grab in the morning. Bonus points for packing kids lunches the night before and putting them in the fridge.

Get organized.

One of the best ways to start the week off on the right foot is to get organized. This means taking some time on Sunday to make sure your command center is in order i.e. everything you need to get out the door in time (shoes, keys, bookbags, etc) are near the door. Give all of these a “home” or place where they always belong so that it is easy to leave the house with everything in hand. Also, build in habits that will keep you organized and productive. On Sundays, I put an outfit for each weekday in their clothes organizer so the kids can just grab in the morning and get dressed.

Get a good night's sleep.

Finally, it's important to get a good night's sleep on Sunday night. This will help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the week ahead. Don't believe the hype of I only need a few hours to function. Just go ahead and log the 7-8 recommended hours and wake up feeling charged for the day.

Mastering the art of a well-planned Sunday routine is the ultimate secret weapon for conquering the back-to-school chaos. Establishing a Sunday routine can help you make the back-to-school transition easier. By following these tips, you can get organized, relax, and prepare for the week ahead.

What are some Sunday routine ideas that help you have a productive week? Sound off below