February Self Care Challenge

Self Care

I don't know about you but I noticed that I set ambitious goals in January but oftentimes I needed a nudge to include self care. Did you include selfcare in your goals and visions? How many times have we heard the saying you can't pour from an empty cup and yet we continue every day, week and year pouring from an empty cup. So let's change that! For the month of February let’s not just love our significant other but also YOUrself! Afterall, the most important thing in any new year's resolution is self. 

So here's the challenge:

Everyday in February you do at least one thing for yourself. Simple Right?

The following are guidelines for the challenge to set you up for success.

Know the difference between Maintenance and Self Care

The goal is to increase self care since most of us aren't getting enough in. Anything you do instinctively is great but doesnt count for this challenge. Why not?  Because it’s a CHALLENGEI A challenge would not be anything you currently do because challenge is not a synonym for easy. Choose activities that you actively have to change routines and make space for yourself. Don’t check the box with things you currently do as a habit. 

For example, if you already always get your nails done every week. It can't be your thing for the day. However, if you can’t remember the last time you got a mani pedi add it to your list. Take the opportunity to build additional self care actions on the ones you currently have.

Love don’t cost a thing.

Every self care activity does not need to be expensive. Actually, there are many self care activities that are free.  Read a book from the library. Turn on some music to dance. Take a 30 minute walk. You get the idea. If you really want a full body massage but short on funds, don’t let money stop you from a self care act. Get resourceful and creative. If you can't afford services  at a spa, is there a local massage school where you can get an inexpensive massage from a student? Can you buy a massaging tool for at home and create a spa environment and pampering session with other items you currently own? Don't let a lack of funds be the reason you do not participate in any self care.

Take care of yourself

Health is a part of self care and love. Have you scheduled all of your annual visits- gyno, primary care physician, etc. Something as simple as drinking enough water today can change how you feel and help you tackle your day.Try getting any type of exercise in for at least 15 minutes a day.

Discover new hobbies/build space for current ones

What do you enjoy doing by yourself? Knit, sew, watch a movie,read,etc. For example, if you like to read but haven't sat down to read for at least 15 minutes in a long time, this can count as a self care act for the day. And don't forget about audiobooks as an option for self care- it could allow you to do two self care activities at once (i.e. polish nails and listen to a good book,etc). Or if you want to try a new hobby, watching a Youtube tutorial counts in the self care bank. This can be a time to do it and try something new that you have been thinking about.

Be generous with your time for yourself

Must spend at least 15 minutes each day doing the self car act. Everyone has at least fifteen minutes that they can set aside for themselves. I recommend early morning before the household gets up so that you can have time for yourself. If you need more of a nudge on why this is important please refer to 3 Reasons Why You Need To Wake Up Early

Although 15 minutes is the minimum, work on expanding the total time spent throughout the week. There are some days where 15 minutes is really hard to get in but others where it is easy to fit an hour in if you are intentional about using your time wisely.

Everyone can use more self care time. It's not being selfish. It's actually helping yourself to be a better you that will not only benefit yourself but others. Let's be honest- we all know how there’s at least one time a week we make time for an “urgent” matter that there was previously no time for. Treat self care as an urgent matter and make the time. Treat Yo Self!

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.””

Mark 12:30-31 NIV


Do you really want to love your neighbor as yourself if you aren't currently loving yourself? Start the challenge today so that the answer is an immediate and confident yes!

Comment below with what's your favorite self care activity?