Why is this season of purging is so important?

So if we are being completely honest I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve purged. By purge I mean truly get rid of all the things that have not been used or touched  in the previous decade. So this purge in particular was important because I finally did a significant purge of all the things. I would say about 90%. The funny thing about this purge is a good amount of it happened via flood. Imagine the irony of washing your house of clutter and also getting a whole new basement. It was something God has brought to my attention on several occasions and in many message formats (another story for another day). I have finally embraced less is more (except for shoes). You can never ever EVER have too many shoes.  But if I'm keeping it all the way real, you even need to purge shoes. Even the platform shoes that you had in multiple colors because they were so comfortable and cute but no longer wear because it no longer sparks the same joy. The memories make it hard for me to give them to a new home.


Ultimately, this purge has made me realize I’m ready for a new me. A new wardrobe. A new fashion statement. I noticed I have not made many changes to my style statement despite consistently reading the trends. I used weight as a crutch. You ain’t catching me in a crop top with all the belly fat hanging out. However that doesn't mean there aren't other styles that I can embrace that work for me. I went through my “Im only a mom phase” . As long as it matches and I dont look like a hobo in it, I'm wearing it. This resulted in an entire year without buying a new pair of shoes. A whole year. For those who know me, know that this alone was a plea for help. I am now 76 lbs lighter (from my heaviest prego weight). All this to say there will be a new closet of clothes and shoes and will be updating yall on the process.

Have you struggled with purging? What is the hardest part about purging? Or if you purge often, what tips can you share in the comments below?
